
Quality & Safety

Public Health Expert Martin McKee Compares the Europe and US Response to COVID-19

Italy was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the US is now facing the highest number of cases in the world. Professor Martin McKee of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine joined Chip to compare US and Europe’s response through the lens of a public health expert. They discussed the lessons to be learned from both responses, the potential vaccine light at the end of the tunnel and the implications of the U.S. pulling out of the World Health Organization. […]

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Restarting the Health Care System Amid COVID-19 With Dr. Frank Opelka

Right now the health care system is laser focused on defeating COVID-19 and as a result routine diagnostic and treatment patient care, sometimes referred to as elective, has been postponed. Postponing this care was the right choice at the beginning of the pandemic in order to ensure there was enough capacity in the system to care for COVID-19 patients. As the curve continues to flatten, we are slowly restarting the health care system and increasing capacity for patient care. Dr. Frank Opelka, the Medical Director for the American College of Surgeons, joins Chip to discuss exactly how we are doing it. […]

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