New Study: Is it Time to Redesign CMS Hospital Value-Based Programs?

A new peer-reviewed study, published in Health Affairs, concludes that now is the time to update Medicare hospital quality reporting programs to ensure reform is undertaken to incorporate meaningful health equity variables, address potential existing structural issues within the programs and improve health outcomes, particularly for the most vulnerable patients.

The paper, titled “CMS Hospital Value-Based Programs: Refinements Are Needed To Reduce Health Disparities And Improve Health Outcomes”, co-authored by leaders at the Federation and Dobson | DaVanzo, is the third in a series of analyses of hospital value-based quality programs.

Learn more below.

The Study

Health Affairs: CMS Hospital Value-Based Programs: Refinements Are Needed To Reduce Health Disparities And Improve Outcomes


Medicare Hospital Quality Reporting — Is it Time for a Redesign?

More than a decade after their creation, an assessment of Medicare’s hospital value-based programs is not only timely but also crucial for incorporating the key priority of health equity. Our new peer-reviewed study…


Health Affairs’ A Health Podyssey – Podcast: Chip Kahn on Value-Based Payment Problems

Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil interviews Chip Kahn from the Federation of American Hospitals on his recent paper where he and co-authors argue that CMS hospital value-based programs should be refined to reduce health disparities and improve outcomes.

In The News

Fierce Healthcare: CMS’ value-based performance programs ding hospitals for health equity factors outside of their control, study finds

Past Studies

2015: Assessing Medicare’s Hospital Pay-For-Performance Programs And Whether They Are Achieving Their Goals

2009: Payment Reform Alone Will Not Transform Health Care Delivery

Public Forum

Health Affairs Forum Begins Value-Based Payment Discussion