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FAH Statement | Medicaid | Tax Credits | FAH Policy Blog Team

FAH Supports Continuing Resolution, Calls for Action on Enhanced Tax Credits

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn issued the following statement on Congress’s Continuing Resolution funding the government through September 30, 2025:

“Actions speak loudly, and with this short-term government funding legislation, Congress is acting to protect Americans’ health care. We support Congress’ efforts – the postponement of harmful Medicaid cuts and the continued support for rural Americans’ health care access and seniors’ telehealth services are critical to assuring patients 24/7 care.

“As Congress continues its work, it is paramount lawmakers recognize that a dangerous health care coverage cliff looms with the 2026 expiration of the individual marketplace’s enhanced tax credits. Action is needed to ensure millions can retain coverage and avoid skyrocketing health care costs. We look forward to working with Congress to continue protecting Americans’ coverage – including Medicaid – and the 24/7 hospital care patients across the country rely on.”
