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FAH Statement | Medicaid | Managed Care | FAH Policy Blog Team

FAH Reacts to Release of Medicaid Access and Managed Care Final Rules

FAH Executive Vice President of Public Affairs Charlene MacDonald released the following statement after reviewing the Medicaid Access and Managed Care Final Rules that included several key coverage provisions:

“FAH believes that our nation’s most vulnerable patients must have access to vital hospital care and the Medicaid Managed Care final rule works toward that goal by strengthening network adequacy and oversight, helping ensure enrollees have access to health care providers in their communities.

“Despite CMS’ decision to require attestation of provider tax and state-directed payments in the final rule, we appreciate the agency delaying enforcement until 2028. This additional time will allow providers to focus on caring for Medicaid enrollees 24/7 while the legal process challenging the agency’s authority to implement this provision plays out. Unfortunately, if fully implemented, this action could undermine access to critical services for our most vulnerable patients.”