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FAH Leader Reacts to Senate Republicans, White House COVID Relief Package

WASHINGTON – FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement after Senate Republicans and the Administration released their latest COVID-19 legislative package:

“With the challenge of the pandemic worsening, the Senate Republicans and White House today are taking a critical step forward releasing a COVID-19 relief package.

“We strongly support Majority Leader McConnell’s efforts to protect frontline health care workers and hospitals from COVID-19 lawsuit abuse, and appreciate additional resources for the Provider Relief Fund.

“While recognizing that hospitals and caregivers require further assistance, unfortunately, the package does not sufficiently ease the burden of the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Programs loan repayment. It is critical that truly sustainable terms for loan repayment are provided by Congress.

“Time is running out for providers, and action is critical before hospitals lose 100% of Medicare fee for service payments. The Federation has been warning of this impending threat. With our countdown clock now just days away from hitting zero – it is vital that Congress act quickly before patient care is affected.

“The Federation looks forward to working with Senate and House leadership and the White House as they develop an agreement for an all-important COVID-19 relief package.”