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FAH Joins New Coalition Formed to Protect Access to Coverage Through Enhanced Premium Tax Credits

Today, FAH joined leaders across the health care and patient advocacy community to launch Keep Americans Covered, a broad-based nonpartisan coalition to protect patients from premium increases and loss of health coverage that will occur if Congress fails to extend the enhanced premium tax credits by the end of 2025. Currently more than 20 million low- and middle-income people rely on enhanced credits for affordable coverage through the individual health insurance marketplace.

FAH Executive Vice President of Public Affairs Charlene MacDonald, a Keep Americans Covered member of the Board of Directors, released the following statement on the importance of extending the enhanced tax credits:

“Our member hospitals are delivering lifesaving 24/7 care to patients across the country and millions of those patients will see their premiums skyrocket if Congress does nothing and lets the enhanced premium tax credits expire. This shouldn’t be political – Congress needs to do the right thing, extend the tax credits, and avoid needlessly jeopardizing Americans’ access to affordable health coverage.”

In 2021, Congress enacted the enhanced premium tax credits and extended them in 2022. Since then, more than 9 million additional people have gained coverage through the individual health insurance marketplace, and, as a result, fewer enrollees are delaying or forgoing medical care. Additionally, patients saved about $700 on their premiums in 2024 because of the enhanced premium tax credit. If the enhanced premium tax credits are allowed to expire, 20 million people will see their insurance premiums go up, anywhere from 25% to more than 100%. As a result of such significant premium increases, it is estimated that more than 4 million people will lose health coverage.

Members of Keep Americans Covered include: AARP, AHIP, Alliance for Community Health Plans, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American College of Physicians, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Association for Community Affiliated Plans, BCBSA, Families USA, Federation of American Hospitals, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, National Association of Community Health Centers, National Rural Health Association, Small Business for America’s Future, Susan G. Komen, UnidosUS, and United States of Care.

To learn more, visit AmericansCovered.org
